Thursday, July 12, 2007

July 12 Out and About

Dear ones,

Yesterday, I was out and about with medical appointments bookending my day.

I received education about the projected course of chemo and continue to feel I am in wonderful hands and am doing exactly the right things.

One week after the first treatment, my doctors say that the chemo is already having desired effects. Unlike some chemo that is brutal, I seem to be to be tolerating it and feel better each day.

I can go out for walks and see the sky.

The healing from the surgery is continuing each day.
With love,


Karin B. said...

Dear Mary,

You have been such an inspiration to me both personally and professionally. I keep you in my thoughts and prayers and send much healing energy and love your way.

Karin B.

Alison West said...

It’s wonderful to have news of your progress, dear Mary, and to hear it directly from you in your luminously positive blogs. Thank-you so very much for taking the time to communicate with us all in this way, allowing us each to feel part of your family of friends, students, admirers and well-wishers. With love and profound good wishes,

Alison West

Ann McDermott-Kave said...

Mary ~
You are so strong and filled with life!

Delighted you are out and about!

Look forward to hearing more as you progress.


anna and art said...

yes, and more yes, and even bigger YESYESYES!!!!

xo anna and art

anna and art said...

and about the sky, that holds us all without our realizing how each breath we take becomes the breath next to us and on and on until all of us are threaded together. we just forget...until the blue reminds us to remember that we are after all.

love you, anna

Dorothy Bender said...

Dear Mary:
I'm so glad you are out and about. Sending you lots of love. Dorothy (in Palo Alto.)

Judy Dennis said...

Blue skies smiling at me
Nothing but blue skies will you see.
Blue birds singing a song.
Nothing but blue birds all day long...

Nothing but blue skies from now on.

Judy, wiith thanks to Irving Berlin

Norma Colón said...

Hi Mary,
I'm so glad you're staying in touch. Every day I check your blog. I bet you're doing better than most with your healing and progress, not only because of all your yoga but mostly because of YOU. I alway knew you were so special and have always been greatful for having you in my life, my teacher. Now I know how who you are for all of us is rubbing off on you, how good you are for yourself.
Keep up the good work AND don't forget to REST.

Jon Peterson said...

Dearest Mary: Thank you so much for sharing via your blog. It helps us all to feel connected and reassured, as well as enabling us to be specific in our healing prayers for you!

Keep up the great progress!

Blessings, love, light, and peace,
Janna Peterson

Anonymous said...

Dear Mary,
So good to hear that you have been out and about enjoying walks and the sky...
You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers and I know you will take care of yourself...
Peace and love,

Joel Norvell said...


Here's to a speedy recovery! All my best wishes.

Joel Norvell

Erin Dollar Kott said...

Thank you for allowing us to remain connected with you through this experience. I just found out today via Dean. I am sitting in a little old house in Boston right now while my baby naps. The air conditioner humming, a neighbors dog barking and the sunlight streaming through the big green maple outside my window says I'm no longer in Alaska. As the Buddha says the only thing we can really count on is change.

As I take this pause before my precious yoga practice to say something to you, underneath the thin layers of shock, sadness and fear is a deep wellspring of GRADITUTE. Because of your teaching, your words, the way you have described, expressed and embodied the art of yoga my practice continues to become a deep wellspring of healing, loving and articulate awakened energy.

Guiding a pranayama classes you once said, we come to associate ourselves so easily with the hard matter of our bodies, the molecules and atoms that compose our physical nature. What we fail to reconize is that what composes the majority of our atoms is space, empty vacant space. If instead of focusing on breathing into the tissues of the lungs we focus on breathing into the vast empty space that composes the majority of the self then we find that breathing into the self and into the conciousness of the universe is one.

In my practice today I will direct my light towards you. I love you, Erin Dollar

maryp said...

Hi Mary,
Glad you feel you are in good hands during your recovery. Now you know how all of us feel when we are in your classes.Take good care.
Mary (CT)

Kathy Jo said...

The light is shining on you, and your good reports and smiling heart is shining on the rest of us.
Keep up the good healing.
Big hug,
Kathy Jo

Larson said...

Dear Mary,
Mom sent me this website from India as i was unaware of you not being in perfect condition. I do know that you will be just fine and are on the road to recovery. I am in New York still and would love to see you. I think of you often and actually asked about you when i think you were all in Vegas. I can be reached at I will continue to have you in my thoughts and prayers and if you need anything, please do not hesitate to call me. I would also love to visit when your feeling up for it. Love always, Larson

Unknown said...

The sky sees you.
the dropbacks from sirsasana II
thank you for your teaching so lovely so wonderful so sweet they
are i hear you and love you
.gifts that you've given,
:to you, mary
love, columbia

Pat Layton said...

Dear Mary,

Wanted to send you my sincere wish for your healing. I will chant a mala of MahaMrtyunjaya for you for the next 40 days.

Much love,
Pat Layton

thomas said...

In my minds eye, I keep seeing you at Featherpipe Ranch on some kind of swing flying into the water!
So lovely Mary, from all of us in the Friday noon class:
Swing Way Out!
we Love you

Rachel said...

Dear Mary.

I'm glad to hear you are home and doing well.
Wishing you all the love, strength and healing energy you need during this time.

Robin Janis said...

I dwell in Possibility--
A fairer House than Prose--
More numerous of Windows--
Superior--for doors--

Of Chambers as the Cedars--
Impregnable of Eye--
And for an Everlasting Roof--
The Gambrels of the Sky--

Of Visitors--the fairest--
For Occupation--this--
The spreading wide my narrow Hands
To gather Paradise--

-Emily Dickinson

love to you Mary--


Leslie said...

Dear Mary:
(Oceans and skies are blue!)
As I practice Asana, open my chest for Pranayama, or conjugate Sanskrit verbs, you are right here in my thoughts. You have even visited me in dreams while sleeping!
Love, Leslie

Leslie said...

Oops! GAGANAM is neuter, so the phrase should read:
But I do not know whether the "neela" should use the masculine or neuter ending, since Samudraah is masculine.
Ah, the endless challenges of grammar in a "perfect" language!!!
Preman (love),

Yvonne said...

Dear Mary
Greetings to you on this lovely (relatively) cool NYC Saturday morning. Your kitchari is cooked and waiting to be delivered! It will give you even more strength and energy to deal with those daily challenges that are being presented at this time.
With Much Love

Adina :) said...

Hi Mary :)

The news is wonderful and thanx for keeping us informed.

Thank goodness the weather "Heatwave" from you know where:0 is gone and today ,saturday, cool breezes abound.

Thinking of you always and

You will be well.

Sending you hugs and loving light,


Maria C. said...

Hello Dear Mary!

How wonderful to hear from you whit new fresh good news! Yapi! I have been out of my computer for a whole week and found two new blogs from you and with a lot of progress between them. Well done! Blessings to you!!!
I have strong faith about your progress. You are such a human, one of a kind for so many many reasons, pretty much all named on your blog by everybody out there who loves you so much. You know how to do things just well and you know how to take care of yourself, and it's not strange you are in good hands and things go in the right direction and all the stars are and will be aligned for you to be the wonderful you with even deeper understanding of yourself, and continue spreading your love, compassion, intelligence, vibrancy, brilliancy, and many very good more things to all of us and beyond.
I think of you daily and chant my favorite chant (which is curiously the healing chant) with the hope to reach you.
Dearest Mary continue recovering steadily, taking good care of you, resting of course and enjoying those walks around. Doesn't feel wonderful to be in our two feet? What a blessing!

Much love and warm hug from Maria :)! from SF, CA
And so many thanks for keeping us posted with your progress.
Cheers!...again maria :)

moryoga said...

thinking of you often and wishing you a speedy recovery.

Michael Morphis

Robin Janis said...

Buddha in Glory

Center of all centers, core of cores,
almond self-enclosed and growing sweet--
all this universe, to the furthest
and beyond them, is your flesh
your fruit.

Now you feel how nothing clings to you;
your vast shell reaches into
endless space,
and there the rich, thick fluids
rise and flow,
Illuminated in your infinite peace,

a billion stars go spinning
through the night,
blazing high above your head.
But IN you is the presence that
will be when all the stars are dead


lest we forget to remember,or remember to forget...

in honor of you, Dear Mary: rest well.

Aileen said...

I have to say ditto to what karin b said, and three billion (and more)cheers to your body for doing what the doctors want in regards to healing! Regards, Love, Light Prayers, Best Wishes and Hugs from all of us in Las Vegas.

Ken Fischer said...

Dear Mary,

Penny and I recently learned of your illness and of this blog from your Ann Arbor friends Barbara Sloat and Laurie Blakeney. We will explore past postings to bring ourselves up to date, but for now we just want to say hi, to let you know you're in our thoughts and prayers, and that we look forward to keeping in touch with you via the blog.

I have a book I'd like to send you, so may I have your address?

Sending lots of love your way,

Ken and Penny Fischer in Ann Arbor

Mountain Lover said...

Dear Mary,

My peritoneal cancer was shoosed out of my body two years ago, thanks to the luminous love of family, friends, the Iyengar yoga communities of Ruidoso, NM and el Paso, TX, all set upon a beautiful spiritual drapery. Okay, so the fabulous expertise and technology of the MDAnderson medical community was absolutely key to my healing. And better living through chemistry, right?

I am holding you in my sisterly light....
Remember, poco a poco. and as Ben says, Carpe Mañana.
Bobbie B

Catalina Arboleda said...

Dear Mary,

I have been thinking about you continuously and praying for you since hearing of your illness. Patricia just sent me the link to this marvelous and inspiring blog, so now I can be part of this wonderful community that wishes health for you and prays for your recuperation.

I just want you to know that you have been in my prayers and that I will continue to send my love, and healing energy to you in the days, weeks, and months ahead.

Much love,

ItaliANAdiNewYork said...

Dear Mary,

thank you for keeping this blog. Your feeling better is a breath of fresh air. My gardenia must feel your vibes and is blossoming fragrant candid flowers non-stop. So there is never shortage of fresh gardenias in front of my multi-religion shrine in your name.

I can hear your words during my daily yoga practice. Every day I remember one crucial piece of wisdom you shared with us. It keeps my practice going wherever I am. Continue to feel better - you are in our hearts.


LeimomiE said...

All of us at the Big Island Yoga Center in Kona are sending you lots of light and aloha. May your body continue to heal and your spirit be filled with blessings. All shall be well.

Marjorie & Duane Erway

lorenzo said...

Dear Mary, you are and have been a inspiration to us all. You are in our thoughts and prayers. We love the blog and thankyou for sharing your insights.
Love and respect,
Larry and Robin (San Francisco)