Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Blog January 22, 2006

Dear Friends,

This weekend as I crisscrossed Central Park, the first snowdrops delighted my eyes. There they were, pushing aside the nurturing soil that covered them in the darkest days and popping up. neck first, snowy blossoms facing the earth.

The days are getting longer and so are mine! The healing rest after surgery has allowed me to pop up too. My lifelong friend, Elizabeth, was with me for this past long weekend and we were indeed out and about. We walked Fifth and Madison Avenues on the grey day and went to the Met for the African exhibit and the Jewish Museum for the William Steig exhibition. We pondered Pinter’s The Homecoming and Beckett’s Happy Days as part of our literary heritage. We sang lots and lots of old favorites at a sing-a-long at the JCC.

If all of this sounds like a lot, I nap in the afternoon and am being nourished by wonderful meals delivered with love by devoted friends.

And of course the news of the optimal outcome from the surgery is adding to the bounce of my step.

I am often asked if I am practicing. Of course I am and I use the lessons of yoga every hour, starting from when I opened my eyes and embraced the world in the first conscious breath after “being under.” I credit yoga with my experience of being able to ease pain and have a positive attitude pervade all my sheaths.

My daughters and their families have been wonderful as have been so many devoted friends who are communicating with me above and below the radar. I am the grateful beneficiary of your prayers, meditations and thoughts.

I have been to the Institute and will go more regularly next week to gradually resume my life there and my teaching. This week I will also start a 2-month regimen of chemotherapy. I have clearance to go on my annual trip to Isla Mujeres with Dean Learner for my beloved Feathered Pipe the first week of March so life is indeed going on positively for me.

All the Best to all of you. I know it is a cliché, but don’t forget to smell the flowers… or at least smile them…

With appreciation and love,


Jenny said...

Mary, I check for a new message almost everyday as a kind of meditation. I feel like your email blog is the breath of spring popping up today. I'm so glad Elizabeth is with you at every turn. What a joy having such a long term friendship - someone who holds your whole story. I send you much love. Jenny

alexander vreeland said...

Dear Mary,

I was so happy to read the news that you are healing from your surgery and regaining your active life. I send tons of love and look forward to seeing you in February.


M Harding said...

I am so glad to hear that you are doing well. Your Greenwich class asks for an update on your condition each Wednesday and we look forward to your return. With love, Peggy Harding

Unknown said...

Dear Mary,

It is so good to hear from you. Your writing makes me smile and my heart warm. You are an inspiration.

Kristine Bell

anna and art said...

something told me to go to your site just now and there you are with brand new and marvelous news!!! the park must be so glorious right now and am so happy to know you are cavorting around in it.

xo anna xo

LeimomiE said...

Oh Mary, this is fabulous news! And so glad that dear Elizabeth is with you so often. Always know that Duane and I are holding you wrapped in healing Divine Light, always. Please give Elizabeth big hugs from both of us, and feel them surround your shoulders too.
Keep up the good work!

bonnie said...

Dearest Mary,
It is always a delight to read your poetic and insightful comments. I am so thrilled that you are doing well and that you have so much support from lifelong friends, loyal students, family, well-wishers.
Don Mike and I hold you in our hearts thoughts.
Much love,

maria c said...

Dear Mary, Mary Dunn!

It's always a pleasure to read the poetical comments from you.
I have been absent in your blog with my writing, but NEVER with my thoughts and prayers. I follow all your public steps and admire your good will to keep all us informed with the peculiarities of life and I am grateful to know about your continue recovering step by step in the right direction. Keep it up!

Today I had little time to visit and the day reminds me of you because it's vibrant, shiny, sunny with bright colors in the greens, the flowers the birds. And, BTW, I smell the flowers and certainly smile the flowers too, as you just said. I love that.
After the rain, all looks clean and picturesque.

I wanted to send you my love, prayers and good wishes and letting you know I follow up your blog and enjoy the poetry of your expressions, as well as seeing your super big smile every time I open it. That picture is "the" picture of Mary Dunn. Excellent. I might get better and powerful with time as you do too!

Also I wanted to tell you that not long ago there was a workshop at the IYISF with Victoria, and there were lot of Mary, Marias and different version of that name, almost all, so lot of Mary energy,and pf course you came in as well, and we had a nice meditation and chanting honoring the big Mary of you.
I have also run into you dear friend Elizabeth and asked her about you so you are always among us via blog, friends, prayers an all the ways.
Soon, a dear friend of mine will be with you in Isla Mujeres! That sounds just delicious, and of course to honor that name, you have to be there.
I haven't visited Isla mjeres yet, but it seems an appropriated place for you, just hearing that name. You are a great representative of mujeres, the mujer I envisioned and admire deeply.

Wishing you all the very best with much love and a big warm hug
maria ;)!

tite said...

Ciao from Italy, from Gabriella's TT student that had the great chance to practice under your guidance at Rapolano 2 years ago!since then I also found "Central Park as a paradise": as the Finish line , the Mecca after 21 Miles of marathoning (Nov 06) , as a fantastic 10 km loop race "Run for Central Park" last july and... as the place where one can regain the plaesure of different scents and perfumes of nature, whether in a fast or slow pace! I didn't know you had a blog, but all my visits to this heaven were in the thought of you. Be well, better and better every day. ciao, tite www.tite.it

Leslie said...

Dear Mary,
Your talent as a writer is Mahaa!!
What a lesson this is for all of us to understanding the true meaning of self reliance and of interdependence that is a fact of life!!
Tha hummingbirds have returned to Redding and are quite tenacious!
Leslie Freyberg