Dear friends,
I am into my second day post surgery.
The operation went really well. The surgeon reported that it was an optimal result! So I am very pleased as you can imagine.
The first few days are a little tough, but I am making progress on all fronts.
Thank you for all your prayers, meditations and good thoughts.
More later.
With love,
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This note is from Roger's sister, Linda. I don't know if you remember me as we have only met twice. I spent a portion of yesterday reading your blog. You are an amazing and beautiful person and I am SO sorry to hear of your illness. My prayers and thoughts are with you for your continued improvement.
If you have the energy (or someone who could call for you) I would appreciate an email or call. I need to get in contact.
Again, prayers and thoughts.Be well.
Linda Dunn Hardin
Mary I am not surprised by your wanting to reach out so quickly... I am grateful to hear your voice.
Friday afternoon, Leslie led many of your faithful devotees and admirers in chanting for your well-being and recovery. The beauty of the chants resonated with me and I visualized it reaching all the way into the operating room.
Keep the blogs coming.
With much love and light, Susan Turis
Great Great news!! Hope to see you soon in NYC..Love, Maureen
Dear Mary,
I am so happy to hear that the procedure went well.
Lots of love,
Dear Mary,
I loved reading your Dec. 28th blog entry and hearing of all the wonderful things you did with friends and family.
Now that this latest surgery is behind you, 2008 is sure to see you continuing to get well and stronger.
Your insights, observations and zest for life is amazing!
I think of you always.
With love and prayers for your recovery,
Dearest Mary,
How completely wonderful that your surgery was optimal. There's nothing like a lifetime of yoga & a network of prayer to push back against genetics.
I'm off to Costa Rica to spend a week doing yoga with Chris.
You'll be number one on all our minds.
Mary, I am so glad that you continue to update us through your blog. I read each one and take it in very deeply. I wish you continued progress. Love and good wishes for 2008 to you. Jenny
Dear Mary,
How fantastic that the surgery was so successful. I imagine you must feel right now a little like I felt after my c-section. Not being able to turn over, sit up, or even laugh out loud...and a lot of pain. The first three days were the worst; so you came through that already! It's going to be better fast from now on. And by friday, you'll be laughing out loud again.
Sending you strength and hoping to see you soon again in class,
I start class again with Karen Allgire this evening. I will dedicate my practice to you and your recovery, along with several others who are fighting cancer.
Cathy in Cleveland
Dear Mary,
thank you for updating us on your health. We, in Connecticut, will continue chanting to your health.
all my love and prayer.
so glad to hear all this. we love you!!
xo anna and art
Dear Mary,
I am so happy surgery went well!
Before your operation, we tied a special good wish ribbon for you at the gate of the most popular church in Salvador, Brazil. It was a beautiful day of bright light and gentle breeze. I made sure your ribbon faces the sea and get all the healing energy of the earth, the sun, the ocean and the winds.
You are in our hearts, our prayers. Look forward to seeing your warm beautiful smile back at the Institute.
With love and profound respect.
PS: I agree, you are an inspiration for stiff people. I know, thanks to you, on day my heels and head will both meet the earth in adho mukha svanasana... I owe it to you ;-))
It is such good news and I thank you for letting us know. It's taken me a while to respond as I couldn't remember my username and password.
I hope it is becoming easier and less painful, that you are growing stronger and more able to resume important aspects of your life.
I'm sending you back some of the energy and courage you have given to me over the years. With love and healing thoughts,
Mary Beth
Dear Mary, Near success!Much much LOVE, Suzy
That's great news, Mary!
Thank you for taking the time to keep us all updated.
It does us so much good to hear from you...and to know you hear us sending our energies your way.
(Of course, in the midst of this solemnity, thinking of you as the patron saint of stiff people always brings a welcome secret smile.)
Love & best wishes
Tracy Y
Dear Mary,
It is amazing how you go through these tough times. But actually, I am not surprised, I believe you will come out even stronger...
Thank you for keeping us all posted, that is so thoughtful of you.
P.S. You look so young and fresh on the IYAGNY 2008 calendar! :o)
Hope to see you soon!
Linda Mikacic
Dear Mary,
Sending you the best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Much sunshine and love from Miami!
Claudia Caro Sullivan
beautifull mary! this is really a good news!stend yourself and take care!
claudia venice
Hi Mary!
Hope you are mending well and feeling better every day! Thanks again for the wonderful class last thursday...look forward to seeing you soon.
Dearest Mary: Sorry I missed your class last Thursday. Matt gave us a wonderful class this morning.
I picked up my 2008 calendars at the Institute today, and while waiting for my train home, took a peek - laughed with such delight at your inspirational photo, that I startled a few wary New Yorkers around me! Am sending a calendar to my mom.
Healing prayers and blessings,
Janna (AKA Joann)
Dear mary, A clarification re: last comment. Near success referred to my getting some control of the computer, NOT your operation! I was so glad to hear how well and strong you sounded. I hope your continued recovery goes as well as the first few days.Love Suzy
Dear Mary,
As I was doing supported Halasana during our last class in December, a bolster magically appeared, to ease my descent. That same morning, your past council stayed with me as I sat in a traffic jam-on the way to yoga, and hating to come late-but accepting.
Your importance to us all was so beautifully expressed at the recent Institute celebration.
Eric and I wish you an uneventful, speedy and thorough recovery.
And just to make sure all bases are covered, you have been and continue to be included in MI SHEBERACH, the Jewish prayer for healing, on Saturday mornings at Beth Emeth in Larchmont.
With love,
Dearest Mary:
You do not know me, but I have been following your blog since the beginning. I had the privilege and joy in taking a class of yours in Colorado in October, 2006. I still remember things I learned in that class. My thoughts and prayers have been with you & will continue to be on your journey to complete health. You are such an inspiration with your grace, joy & equanimity. Thank you.
With love,
Carol, Los Angeles
I am still desperately trying to get through. Computer stillhorrible mystery.. Re: last comment about near success referred to my sort of accomplishment of working the comp. not to your operation which seems like a wonderful success. I have been trying to do it again for a couple of days! Again love,you sounded strong on the phone-Suzy
Hi Mary,
I'm so glad to read and hear all your good news! I'm glad you're doing so well. I know I speak for many when I say, we miss you already and look forward to your return.
I'm glad for the opportunity to take classes with Laura and next week Jenny since I never have a chance to study with them, so thanks for that too.
I hope you will be able to soak in this year's salts, a better batch than last year's.
Let me know if you need more.
lots of love,
Dear Mary,
Am adding my prayers and healing thoughts to those of your legions of friends for strength and a speedy recovery from your recent surgery.
Martin is to be in Charlotte to accompany Flikka and Sam Ramy Tuesday night. He will have breakfast at Mom's place that morning then she and I will have to leave that afternoon for some medical/dental appointments that were booked before we knew of his concert. SOOOO sorry to miss it.
Much love to you from my heart to yours.
Hi Mary,
Such wonderful news. I am soooooo happy to hear you are meeting each obstacle like it is another asane to play with and learn from. Wow. Go girl, go.
Dear Mary,
I hope you are recovering well. Can't wait to see you back at the Institute.
Love and best wishes,
dearest Mary,
Thank you so much for posting news.
hope your recovery goes swiftly, cleanly and methodically and that your new year sparkles with health.
Dearest Mary,
I pray that these lines find you healing well.I am happy to report that I am home after a very successful surgery and
negative biopsy and that I was surrounded by much prayer and many angelic beings.During my hospital stay and now at home my primary prayer focus is on you and your full recovery. Thank you for your prayers.
With much love & gratitude,
Dear Mary
You are in my thoughts,
Love and Light to you
Leslie Hogya
Victoria, BC Canada
Oh Mary,
your smile is still shining in me.
From Italy i send you all my love!
Just in case you had forgotten - you are wonderful! Take the time to rest, and know we will be waiting with warm hearts and eager minds for your return.
x Tamar
Dear Mary,
Elizabeth sent me the 2008 calendar. Your smile MADE my day! I know having Elizabeth by your side is so special for you both. I want you to know you are in my
thoughts and prayers!
All my Love
Jeannine Henebry Rublee
Aptos CA
Dear Mary,
I am so glad to hear that your second surgery went well. I am thinking of you. You continue to be an inspiration!
I have a surgery next week and will use your courage as a guide. I will also look for the Iyengar calendar.
sending love and prayers,
Erika C.
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